Thursday, February 28, 2013

Where I'm From, Part 2

(new class, so new version...again, written in the company of wonderful EDU 3540 students!)

Where I’m From 2-28-13

I am from Kennys and Baylises, with enough Rieman to give me big hips and a generous smile.

I am from down at the lake and Central Street, Beaver Island, and the Arch, always yearning for water.

I am from Siamese cats and too many spiders, mourning doves and grackles, and Grandma's calling to tell me she's seen the first robin.

I'm from teachers, readers, and racist Republicans, whose loving roots I trimmed to keep only the good.

I am from nifflies, sugar cookies, overdone roasts, and rolls burned on the bottom from an oven so old, my mom had to guess at the temperature.

I'm from sun-bathing in April and grilling in February, all the while stoically shivering in the Michigan chill.

In my closet are boxes all beaten and tattered, filled with Grandma's letters and Mom's goodbye. Where I'm from is just a beginning, but an integral part of who I soon shall be.

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